Our goal is to celebrate each student’s unique physical journey, giving them a safe and positive environment to stretch beyond what they thought was possible. We believe that by empowering the body to do the impossible, it empowers the mind to do the unimaginable.


For ages 14 and above.


6:00-7:00pm Flexibility 101

6:30-8:00pm Aerial Straps 103

7:00-8:00pm Aerial Hoop 102

7:15-8:15pm Handstands 101

8:00-9:00pm Aerial Tricks 101


6:00-7:00pm Flexibility 102

6:30-7:30pm Acro Fit 101

6:30-8:00pm Aerial Fabric 103

7:30-8:30pm Handstands 102

7:30-8:30pm Adv.Aerial Bootcamp 102 {Hoop & SPT}


6:00-7:00pm Aerial Tricks 101

6:30-7:30pm Handstands 101

6:30-7:30pm Flexibility 101

7:00-8:30pm Trapeze 104

7:30-8:30pm Acro Fit 101


6:00-7:00pm Aerial Straps 102

6:15-7:15pm Acro Tricks 102

7:00-8:00pm Single Point Trapeze 102

7:00-8:00pm Trapeze 102

7:15-8:15pm Acro Fit 101

8:00-9:30pm Single Point Trapeze 103


8:30-9:30am Aerial Tricks 101

9:30-10:30am Flexibility 101

10:00-11:30am Trapeze 103

10:30-11:30am Aerial Fabric 102

10:45-11:45am Handstands 101

10:45-11:45am Flexibility 101 *New

11:30a-1:00pm Aerial Hoop 103

11:30a-1:00pm Aerial Straps 102/3

12:00-1:00pm Acro Fit 101 *New

12:00-1:00pm Flexibility 102 *New


10:30am-12:00pm Aerial Rope 102/3

11:00am-12:00pm Flexibility 101

11:00am-12:00pm Aerial Tricks 101

12:15-1:15pm Trapeze 102


Class Descriptions

Cirque 101 Classes -1 Hour

Open to all levels from beginners and beyond. These classes are a prefect place to begin or supplement your training with us and are

Aerial Tricks 101 (Trapeze & Fabric) - All levels

This aerial conditioning and tricks class is perfect for beginners and beyond looking for a unique full body workout. The class begins with a pilates inspired warm up before getting you in the air. Time in the air is broken up with specific stretches and ground conditioning drills that target each inversion drill and trick. Have fun building strength and confidence while being upside down!

Handstands 101- All levels

Come learn and master the basic fundamentals of balancing on your hands. Learn to find your correct alignment, balance and control as well as build stamina and shoulder strength. Class begins with a shoulder conditioning warm up and a brief full body stretch before diving into handstand drill entries on the wall or if advanced out in space. Time is then spent learning various leg positions while upside down. This class encourages each student’s handstand journey where patience and consistency are the greatest virtues. 

Flexibility 101- All Levels 

This class is for Anybody with Any Body who would like to increase their flexibility and range of motion. Students will learn how to safely stretch their legs, hips, shoulders, and back while at the same time building strength and balance. Class will utilize the wall and additional props such as blocks, foam rollers and bands to help target each flexibility drill.

Acro Fit 101 - All levels

This class will increase your bodies awareness, coordination, balance and strength through basic acrobatics. Students develop confidence in the fundamentals of momentum including cartwheels, dive rolls, round-off’s, front handsprings and more while also gaining strength and control in handstands. The fundamentals of each drill will be broken down allowing each student to feel safe by choosing the progression that best fits their body. By using the body in motion students will increase their overall fitness capacity and learn to trust that their body can do the impossible. 

102 Level Classes - 1 Hour

Prerequisites apply for all of our 102 classes

If you are new to Cirque School and would like to attend any of these classes please send a video or share your instagram handle if you would like to be cleared.

Trapeze 102

Students will progress their trick training on the trapeze by utilizing the strength, inverted body awareness and terminology gained in our Aerial Tricks 101 classes. This level is the core level of trick development by learning to use the full spectrum of the trapeze from below the bar to above work in the ropes, including both static and moving tricks. Emphasis will be on correct body alignment along with building increased shoulder and core strength.
Prerequisites: Graduation from Aerial 101 with mastery and body knowledge of Front Balance, Rock & Roll, Mermaid Angel, 1-Knee Hangs, Wrapped Leg Gazelle, Candlestick & Back Straddle.

Acro Tricks 102

This class is geared towards students who are ready to level up in their acrobatic Flips & Flights! Students will learn how to safely utilize their own momentum to execute various tricks including front and backhand springs, back tucks, aerials and mini trampoline skills. Class will additionally focus on linking tricks together to create your own acrobatic sequences. Students will progress at their own pace in a safe and fun environment.
Prerequisites: Graduation from Acro Fit 101 or mastery of the following: Cartwheels, Hand Stand Forward Roll, Round Off & Front Hand Springs {with a spot ok}.

Aerial Fabric 102

In this class students will progress their training on fabric by utilizing the strength, inverted body awareness and terminology gained in our Aerial 101 classes. Students will learn various locks, climbs and basic drops. Emphasis will be on correct body alignment along with building more shoulder and core strength.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Aerial 101 and mastery and body knowledge of the following from at least 1 climb up: Inverted Straddle, Single & Double Foot Locks, Catchers Lock & Hip Key {in progress ok}

Single Point Trapeze 102

Come spin, swing and fly as students learn the fundamentals of dancing in the air by gaining strength, body control and alignment while in motion. Students will have fun transferring static trapeze tricks into motion by utilizing various spinning techniques for each trick sequence.
For Trapeze 102 level students plus confidence in 1 Knee Hangs, Ankle Hangs, 1 Knee Russian Role, Back Balances, and pull up & over to Front Balance.

Flexibility 102

This advanced flexibility /beginning contortion class will begin with a focused warm up on more extreme stretches including using props for over splits and back bend drills. Class will then focus on learning how to use your flexibility for more extreme poses, tricks and eventually balances.
Prerequisites: Graduation from Flexibility 101 or comfort in training splits & backbends. Be able to touch their toes to their head while in a cobra position, hold a backbend for 20 seconds and be able to kick up to a forearm stand against the wall.

Aerial Straps 102

Come learn and master the fundamentals of Aerial Straps while increasing both strength and inverted body control. Various skills from hanging and support positions on the straps will be covered at each student's pace, such as skin the cat, meat-hook, front and back balances, and progressions for rolling moves. Conditioning and flexibility training will be specifically targeted to improve shoulder stability, body alignment, and shoulder mobility while executing these impressive skills.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Aerial Tricks 101. Students must be able to maintain engaged shoulders while hanging, as well as invert in a pike or straddle position at least 5 times in a row without touching the ground (arms may be straight or bent).

Aerial Hoop 102

Come Spin, Fly and Swing as you learn the fundamentals of dancing in the air by gaining strength, body control and alignment while in motion. Students will learn various strength and flexibility tricks both under and inside the hoop as they discover their own artistry. Once students have comfort with these skills they will then transfer them to spins and flights.

Prerequisites: For Trapeze 102 students with mastery and body knowledge of 1-Knee Hangs, Ankle Hang, Front Balance, Back Balance, Amazon & 1-Knee Russian Role. *most students benefit from taking a few Trapeze 102 classes prior to joining this class.

Adv. Aerial Bootcamp 102 {Hoop & SPT}

This one-hour fast paced class is catered to 103 level Aerial Hoop & Single Point Trapeze students with a focus on strength, stamina & mobility conditioning including fast spins, swinging & orbiting.  After a circus inspired and pilates based injury prevention warm up students will then join a circuit of advanced aerial conditioning drills with targeted stretch breaks in-between. Students will notice their trick development grow as they amp up their aerial endurance through thoughtful and focused conditioning drills & skills. This is a great class to supplement your aerial trick training on either apparatus. 

Prerequisites: For those students cleared for either Aerial Hoop & SPT 103 level classes or who have had previous advanced level aerial training on a single point apparatus.

Handstands 102

 This level class is perfect for those who are looking to bring their inverted practice to the next level by integrating various handstand entries and leg positions. Students will learn to fine tune their handstand position and increase their skill vocabulary while gaining more shoulder strength and mobility. 

Prerequisite: Be able to kick up to a wall and hold a handstand for 1 Minute.   


103 & 104 Level Classes - 1.5 Hours

Prerequisites apply for all of our 103 & 104 level classes. If you are new to Cirque School but have previous experience and would like to attend any of these classes please email a video or share your instagram handle if you would like to be cleared.  

Trapeze 103

In this class students will progress their trick training on the trapeze by utilizing the strength, inverted body awareness and terminology gained in our Trapeze 102 class and or to supplement their training. With a focus on moving tricks, students will learn how to utilize momentum on and under the bar all with a strong emphasis on techniques to keep bodies safe by offering various modification's or progressions. Class culminates in sequencing tricks into a piece of choreography which eventually become building blocks for act creation.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Trapeze 102 level students and above.

Aerial Hoop 103

This class is perfect for the intermediate to advanced level aerial hoop student. After a comprehensive pilates inspired warm up, time will be spent on specific hoop conditioning drills to gain strength and stamina while building on both static & dynamic skills. Class progresses to learning sequences while spinning and culminates in various orbiting and swinging techniques. This level of class is where students are encouraged to discover their artistry while spinning, orbiting & swinging as they gain strength, body control and alignment while in motion.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Hoop 102 level students and above.
10 second holds for 1-Knee Hangs, Ankle Hang, Foot Hangs & Walking Man.
Pull over to Front Balance from a hover hold, Belly Melts, Hip Circle, Back Balance with no hand assist, 1-Knee Russian Role. Knowledge and comfort in Spinning.

Aerial Fabric {Silks}103

Class begins with a pilates inspired warm-up followed by specific aerial fabric conditioning drills for shoulders and core. Students will have fun not only learning various locks, drops, slides and complex climbs but then finding each tricks pathway to create longer sequences. Learn to manipulate this simple apparatus to create work that is beautiful, powerful and dynamic. 
Prerequisites: Graduation from Aerial Fabric 102.
Mastery of Foot Locks, Hip Keys, Knee Climbs & Single Star Drop.

Aerial Straps 103

This class combines skills of strength and flexibility as students learn both upper and lower body tricks focusing on wraps both in and out of the loops, roll ups and much more. After a comprehensive warm up of strength building and injury prevention drills developed specifically for straps, students will combine their skills of strength and flexibility in the air. Continued emphasis is made on correct alignment to safely execute skills such as multiple roll-ups, planches, reverse meat-hooks, and conditioning fundamentals on one arm. Students will be taught trick sequencing as well as integrating their skills into the motions of spinning, circle flying and swinging.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Aerial Straps 102.
Be able to do 5 pull ups , 5 Skin the Cats and maintain engaged shoulders while hanging, as well as invert in a pike or straddle position at least 5 times in a row without touching the ground with straight arms.

Single Point Trapeze 103

This dynamic class builds on the fundamentals of our 102 class who are looking to expand both their technical and artistic spinning, swinging and orbiting vocabulary. Students will discover how the single point makes use of space and opens up new aerial possibilities including utilizing the ground as a connection between combinations.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Single Point Trapeze 102 or Hoop 103 level students. Foot Hang, Front Hip Circles, 2 Knee Russian Roll, Square Swinging & Orbiting and comfort while spinning for 20 seconds.

Aerial Rope 103

Class begins with a pilates based injury prevention warm-up followed by rope specific conditioning drills. Students will learn various locks, drops, slides and complex climbs. Have fun learning and mastering momentum skills which will lead you to manipulate this simple apparatus to create work that is beautiful, powerful, and dynamic. While this apparatus stands alone the skills learned can also be transferred to either fabric or trapeze tricks in the ropes. 

Prerequisites: Mastery of Foot Locks, Hip Keys, Knee Climbs & Single Star Drop on Fabric or Rope. Graduation from Fabric 102.

Trapeze 104

This class builds on the strength and fundamental skills mastered in our Trapeze 102 classes and is for students looking to advance in their trick and artistic development. Class begins with a comprehensive stretching warm up, progressing to strength conditioning drills on the bar. This level of training is at the heart of becoming an aerialist as students weave tricks into multiple sequences unique to their own bodies.

Prerequisites: Graduation from Trapeze 103 or previous experience.