Stay tuned for our next workshop
Come twist your imagination and stretch your drawing skills as you sketch these models warming up and progressing to unimaginable positions of strength, flexibility, and dexterity.
All levels of visual artists welcome to attend.

These workshops offer the unique opportunity to draw circus artists as your models. The event functions like a traditional life-drawing class, with one-minute warm-up poses, a series of two to five minute poses, and ends with gesture-drawing sections where the models flow through various trick sequences multiple times.
Each section is introduced so that participants know what to expect, but there will be no teacher offering instruction.
The virtual event is broadcast via a Zoom link that is sent the day of the workshop. The in person event requires all attendee’s to show proof of vaccination. Doors will open 15 minutes prior- no late admittance allowed out of respect to the artists flow.
Click the button to be taken to our registration site.
If you have never taken a class at Cirque School, you will go through the registration process when signing up.
Virtual participants will be sent a Zoom link one hour prior to class.
In Person students are required to show proof of vaccination and will be allowed to enter the space 15 minutes prior to grab your spot.